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A Quiet Meal


We're sitting at the table

The food is really great

The meal is something special

The turbot and the skate

All is going swimmingly

It was a brilliant choice

Then on the table next us

The awful piercing voice

Too much wine I'm guessing

Her laugh is far too loud

I think she thinks it is her job

To entertain the crowd

Laughing at her own jokes

Her tone if far too shrill

Ruining the evening

I'm calling for the bill

No consideration

For others in the room

Her voice would penetrate the vaults

Of Tutankhamen's tomb

She doesn't seem to stop for breath

I listen to her drone

And now she's talking loudly

Down her bloody mobile phone

Her husband is guffawing

Now others turn their heads

I see the diners wincing

As a sad dejection spreads

The waiter shrugs his shoulders

He fakes a feeble grin

The raucousness continues

It's now a dreadful din

We leave in silent anger

A feeling of despair

Oh what a shame - a mishap - oh

I've kicked away her chair

What a strange occurrence

How did it come to pass?

Her voice became quite silent

As she landed on her arse

'Oh dear  I am so sorry

An accident you see

Enjoy your meal dear diner

Next time choose KFC'

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