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I must confess I'm fairly shocked

To see that it is once more October

Am I getting old?

The autumn's feeling wild and cold

The animals have now all stocked

Their larders as it is now October

And the frost will come

Their final winter?  Not a crumb

To nourish in the winter's snow

Where do  the weeks and months all go?

The birds migrating have all flocked

Together for it is now October

And it's time to fly

To other places warm and dry

The autumn leaves. The gutters blocked.

The same each year for it is October

And there's morning frost

On spiders' webs, so sharply glossed

The fragile threads in gardens locked

Defy the weight for it is October.

The air blows with a greater force.

The rivers' willows show remorse

By waving sadly. Branches rocked

By forceful winds for it is October.

The lawn has had a final cut

All doors and windows firmly shut

The fridge and freezer fully stocked

In preparation. It is October

And the nights draw in

The chills and colds and flu begin

To come again.  So pills are stocked

With medicines for it is October

Has the winter started?

Has the autumn now departed?

Where did the days of summer go?

Why summer fast and winter slow?

Is April cruel?  I think we're mocked

In truth I think it's cruel October

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