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Animal Poems   Some poems for kids


The Black Alligator


I'm a large black alligator living close to the equator

I'll eat anything that cares to stroll along

I'll eat birds and I'll eat fish.  Mammals make a tasty dish

To consider eating you would not be wrong


I would even eat my young and wrap my rasping tongue

Around the newly hatched that swim this lake

You may think this is obscene and I know just what you mean

But I'm a cannibal for heaven sake


There are some folk that I know who like to make a show

Of how cool it is to have exotic pets

And while we're small and cute they will often spend their loot

On a purchase which will cause them some regrets


Now let's think just for a while, this will not make you smile

When you buy me for a pet to look so cool

I may grow four metres long and grow vicious and too strong

You will end up looking something like a fool


You can't flush me down the pan or sell me to some man

To make handbags from my skin all cut and styled

No zoos will take me in.  It makes my poor head spin

For you cannot just release me in the wild


So take a tip from me let wild animals roam free

Don't use us to enhance your self esteem

If you really want a pet - a dog or cat's a better bet

Don't go living some exotic jungle dream


The Axolotl Song


I'm a tiny axolotl and I'm trapped here in this bottle

My dilemma really isn't very new

For years we've been collected, we've been photographed, inspected

By those who want to put us in a zoo

For we seem to fascinate both the humble and the great

Even though they seem so scholarly and wise

So much time they spend in attempts to comprehend

Why we don't choose to change our shape and size

Our numbers are decreasing as development's unceasing

In the land of Mexico which is our home

The poison and pollution has now caused our diminution

From slicks of oil and grey detergent foam

This mad industrial waste really isn't to our taste

We've been taken to extinction's very edge

Our sad annihilation is assured, unless this nation

Decides to clean it's act up and to pledge

To protect its ponds and lakes.  It really only takes

Some thought and care to ensure we survive

Lake Chalco's disappeared Xochimilco, as we feared

Has been changed so that we can no longer thrive

Maybe we'll not be missed. We have been on CITES list

For a while but nothing really seems to change

With our frail external gills, like Elizabethan frills

I feel we are considered rather strange

So, soon we'll disappear but you have no need to fear

Our extinction might not seem to bother you

But we're used in your research as on oblivion we perch

We can do something that humans cannot do

If we lose a limb or tail we are able, without fail

To regenerate that missing part again

This ability to grow a leg or tail or toe

Is driving the researchers quite insane

Is the data all compiled, if we die out in the wild

To enable them to finish their research?

Humble creatures we may be but as you can plainly see

Our extinction may leave science in the lurch.

Our regeneration trick is quite clever and quite slick,

Here's something you might like to dwell upon

If we're finally destroyed then you'll be more than annoyed

Who then will you study when we're gone?


The Porcupine


My life it feels just fine as a greedy porcupine

I will stroll about and snuffle, scratch and run

With this appetite of mine I sometimes will combine

Herbs and plants;  I've only just begun


For I'm mostly herbivore and I truly just adore

Nearly anything that grows up from the ground

I will eat from dusk to dawn from the moment I am born

It's the best way to survive that I have found


For roots are quite delicious and you needn't be suspicious

If I tell you that dried fruits are tasty too

I will eat the bark from trees for my hunger to appease

And even rotting flesh, you know, will do


I am not stuck to earth and if there is a dearth

Of food then I may even climb a tree

You may read in any journal that I mostly am nocturnal,

It makes it so much harder you'll agree -

For a predator to pounce in one short and deadly bounce

Upon me as I'm shuffling along

But if they are not wise they are in for some surprise

When they're punctured by my spines which are quite long


Oh they should be aware of my keratin, or hair,

That is modified to keep all beasts away'

A spine right up their nose deters them I suppose

And they leave without a moment of delay


I can shake spines like maracas and it wards off all attackers

As they fly like deadly spears through the air

Then I wander on my way with just a moment of delay

For all the world without a single care


When my sharp spines pierce your skin they will certainly go in

But are indubitably harder to retract

The barbs upon my spines have been used in some designs

For hypodermic needles, that's a fact


And this medical appliance has advanced the cause of science 

Many other creatures have done much the same

So why not then elect to treat us with respect

And not hunt us and not kill us for your 'game'


It's a word that I find vile and I have no cause to smile

When I think of how it's used to sound like 'fun'

As you think of what I've said another animal lies dead

The 'game' of death.  Another life undone



Unusual Gnus


I've unusual news from a number zoos

Of some creatures that carry some weight

These unusual gnus have been feeling the blues

It's a tale that is sad to relate


For they do like to feast on fresh grasses at least

I am told they will travel some miles

In their native land, when no water's at hand

They will endure all kinds of  trials


They need to move on when their food source has gone

They are built to migrate through the land

But these creature are stuck in a zoo.  What bad luck

And it seems they just don't understand


Their desire to move on has not really gone

They still want to travel the veldt

They dream they still see all the world's mystery

And remember aromas once smelt


So they're stuck in the zoo.  Not a great deal to do.

They stare back at the faces they see

With an urge still to travel.  It's hard to unravel

Why wanderers cannot be free



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